Jaidev Kumar, the music director of 'Sukhmani-hope of life', could not stop himself from expressing his thoughts about the singers with whom he has worked with for this movie. But apparently the singer has been so impressed by Shreya Ghoshal, one of the stupendous singers of our Bollywood industry, that he was actually speechless when asked about her talent.
In a direct conversation with Jaidev Kumar, he expressed, "I really admire all the singers from this music industry but particularly I would like to say that Shreya Ghoshal is tremendous singer as I have worked with her, and the very vital thing that made me speechless was her way of modifying the lyrics according to the moods of songs and music, which makes the song more soothing."
"I have no words to express my feelings but can just say that I am impressed by her way of singing. Her voice quality makes her different and a versatile singer. She is one of my favorite singers of this industry," Jaidev adds further.
Thursday, March 18, 2010 10:35 IST